Wednesday, November 01, 2006

May God lead my way........

The first church I went to in Kuching was Trinity Methodist Church. The people was friendly was I can see CHRIST in them(I mean the first look oni...hehe), but after going 2 their cell group I notice a lot of them are smokers and the people are all older than me, so i started to feel boring goin there as I feel "sesat"(lost) over there. Then I went 2 Emmanuel Baptist Church. After going I totally disagree with the things they are doing.Why I say so?Then now u better listen.The way the service is run is as if it is a charismatic church. They sing in the Spirit and speak in tougue. I am not saying that there is anything wrong, but I do not mine if you do that when you change your church name to Emmanuel Charismatic Church. And another thing is that the service is 3 long hours...

The next church I went to was Christian Worship Center. The church is like very far deep in the jungle until there is no line coverage. By the way I was brought to that church by Bro.Sim which is the elder of the church Penang's brunch. The first day I went there was a wedding, so I get to eat a lot...haha. The second week was just a normal service. I like the sharing, I like the song they sing, I like the people ther as they are very friendly too and most of the young people are around my age, but the only thing is that I feel abit uncomfortable in the praise and worship as I do not really agree with speaking in tougue publicly(I totally agree if u speak it queitly with God) and speaking revelation. The next church that I am aiming to go is Hope Church. It is my lecturer's church. I have rejected her twice and are planning to go this week(5/11).

I wanted to start a CF in the university, but was rejected as the government band all the university from organizing any religion clubs, including thr Muslim Club.

Will update more about Hope Church.God Bless and may the spirit lead us


1 comment:

-kHoO_7^@N- said...

i totally agree with u.i told that to mum, and she said that we are baptist ppl, being brought up from TLBC. the first chr that i went was a Grace of Jesus Christ Church, the P&W is in Russ and the sermon bt for the sermon they hv translated, and the way they translate here is v unique.we will hv a headset(the one that we use to here radio),its portably and we can tune the frequency to the mic that the translater is using (a cordless mic), so the translated is not up on stage.i enjoyed the worship bt nt the sermon, its always like 'can anyone say Halleluyah'....'can i hear some1 say Amen" no offence bt din enjoy i join Kinonia Fellowship n serve as a guitarist overthere, arnd 20 - 30 ppl, there is a malay Christian and all are students, the Ps is from America